Journalist won the Mega Millions jackpot

May 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Lottery Winners

A US journalist won the Mega Millions jackpot on Tuesday night to become one of the biggest lottery winners in the world. Jacki Cisneros, a reporter at NBC News in Los Angeles, and her husband, Gilbert, matched all five main lottery numbers and the Mega Ball to win the massive $266 million multi-rollover jackpot.

However, in an unusual statement NBC television journalist, Jacki says she has no plans to leave her job and she even returned for her next shift in work after winning the enormous Mega Millions jackpot. Many lottery winners make this claim but few actually manage to achieve it. With millions in the bank, would you return to work day after day?

Husband, Gilbert, decided to buy takeaway food on his way home following a day of jury service and while he was there he also picked up ten Mega Millions Lottery tickets, one of which proved to be the most valuable purchase of his life to date.

The lucky couple say that the massive Mega Millions Lottery jackpot won’t change them, with Jacki determined to keep her job and the pair also intending to donate money to their church and to charity. The lucky lottery winners have said that they would like to buy a new house but beyond that they have relatively modest ambitions.

If you want the chance to win a fortune of your own you can buy tickets for tonight’s EuroMillions Lottery, which has a £67 million four-time rollover jackpot to play for. You can buy online lotto tickets for the EuroMillions and many more of the world’s leading lotteries here at Online Lotto.