Question mark over lottery jackpot

October 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Lottery News, Lottery Winners

A Canadian resident who has won four lottery jackpots worth over $2 million in five years has hit the jackpot again, only this time the lottery win is for $17 million, resulting in an investigation by The Western Canada Lottery Corporation. This isn’t the only question mark over the lottery jackpot win. The man’s brother-in-law has also claimed that the winning ticket was bought as part of a lottery syndicate which he was a part of.

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Pub regulars scooped lottery jackpot

September 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Lottery Winners

A lottery syndicate from Scotland were jumping for joy on Saturday after one of their tickets matched all six numbers in Saturday’s National Lottery draw. The pub regulars scooped the lottery jackpot of £4.5 million and have been partying every since.

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Lottery lawsuit dropped

September 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Lottery News

Four workers attempted to sue their co-workers after they won a Mega Millions lottery  jackpot but the lottery lawsuit was dropped yesterday. The four claimants were not at work on the day of the Mega Millions draw to throw their dollar into the lottery syndicate pot but they claim that they should get their share as members regularly covered for each other.

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Irish Lottery win caused a feud between school cleaners

July 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Lottery News, Lottery Winners

A syndicate of 11 school cleaners won £100,000 playing the Irish Lottery which would normally be a cause for celebration but the greed of one syndicate member has caused bad feelings. This Irish Lottery win caused a feud between school cleaners because one of the winners claimed that the win should be split 12 ways with a share going to his wife as she had put the numbers on.

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